R wrapper to the webhose.io API.




  1. Visit webhose.io
  2. Visit your dashboard.
  3. Use the “Active API Key” at the bottom with wh_token.


wh_token("xXX-x0X0xX0X-00X") # setup token

# webhoser object
wh_news(q = '"R programming language" is_first:true language:english site_type:news') -> news

# basic
# collect results
wh_news(q = '"R programming language"') %>% # get news
  wh_collect() -> basic
# flatten results
wh_news(q = '"R programming language" OR rstats') %>% # get news
  wh_collect(TRUE) -> flat  # flatten results

# get three pages on the rstats
# format dates
wh_news(q = '"R programming language" OR rstats') %>% 
  wh_paginate(3) %>% 
  wh_collect() %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(published = wh_date(published)) -> rstats